Thursday, July 15, 2010


I can't believe that I'll be out of Salamanca in two weeks! It's a little scary that I've reached the halfway point of my study here in Spain, but I'm really excited for Barcelona and Belgium. Before I know it, I'll be back in the States!

We got to see a really cool flamenco show yesterday--I'm taking a class on Spanish dances (Flamenco, Sevillana, a thing they call Rumba but is really not Rumba and more like zumba), and our teacher performed so we went to see her. It was really cool! I feel like flamenco is like spanish tap dancing. There's a lot of stomping and hand flourishes and counts that I don't understand. It actually makes me miss ballroom a lot. I asked my teacher if anyone teaches ballroom around here, but she said not in the summer. Poo. Hopefully Belgium will be more successful.That's my teacher!
The other night, Suzan and I went to a bar to go dancing and when we got there, there were police and a large crowd outside of it. Turns out that a 14 year old girl got caught drinking, and I'm assuming she got sick so the bar had to call the police. The drinking age here is 18, but in Salamanca no one ever checks I.D. I always see teeny boppers at the bars, and no one says anything but since the police were there, they started carding for that night. I forgot my I.D. so Suzan decided to sit outside to watch the hub bub.

And LUCKY ME, a 14 year old boy came and started talking to me hahahaha I could smell the alcohol on him, and he said that he was from America too and when I asked him what he was doing in Spain, he said, "Well, I heard the girls are pretty here." And then he told me he has an apartment here by himself ahahaha and just decided to come to Spain because he was bored of America and how he talked to the policeman who smelled the alch on him but let him go and was such a bamf ahahahah I could be a cougar. Awesome. Or I look like I'm 14 too. hahahaha
Suzan and Samira at the flamenco show. Samira is from Switzerland, so I'm going to try to visit her while I'm in Belgium! There are quite a few other international students in our dorm, so I got to meet some Brazilians and Parisians. Cool, huh?

It's legal here to smoke indoors, so people are always smoking everywhere. I secretly love the smell of smoke (okay maybe it's not so secret now), so I relish it! But I still try to only breathe in a little of it because I know it's so bad for my lungs. But yum.

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