Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Parlez vous anglais?

I think I'm a very domestic person. For my host family, I've made spring rolls (with thai peanut sauce yum yum. I also go through phases where for a week straight all I want in peanut butter), a chocolate and vanilla cake with cream cheese frosting and strawberries for my dad (host), and m&m cookies for the family. And I like doing it! I'd rather stay at home and cook than go out to a bar. I'm too young to be a homebody!! What is happening to me?! I'm a 40 year-old stuck in a 20 year-old body!
So I'm offsetting it by going to Croatia tomorrow! The weather should be beautiful (90s and sunny, as opposed to moody Belgium weather. It can be 80 one moment, and then raining and 68 the next), and the beach should be wonderful too.
But for now, I'm chilling on my bed, not packing or doing homework and watching Sherlock instead. SUCH A GOOD SHOW! It's on BBC and it's Sherlock Holmes in modern day.
But anyway, here's a picture of le roomie and le garcon, Sebastian, with the spring rolls of moi.
Look at my superb french skills! I'm going to be a super pro at this language any day now.
But really, French 101 is my favorite class so far, and I think I'll pick it up quickly as long as i continue to flash card it every night. And I can hit on people in French too! "Tu es celibataire? Oui? Moi oussi!"
(Translation: "Are you single? Yes? Me too!")
But I'm not really sure where I'd go from there. I could ask how much something costs... ha! I don't think that will help in my wooing of a French man. Ew.
But I really love learning languages! It's so fun. I wish I could just take a billion 101 language classes.

Now, time for some...
Fun facts about Europe!
1. Asians are not scarce here! There's like a mini Chinatown near the center of the city. It's like a Chinastreet, actually. Yet people are still amazed at seeing Asians! When I go out, people always comment on me being asian... pretty sure I was called Lucy Liu at a point. Awesome.
2. You can tell who's American and who's European just by what they wear. The style here is much more put together but casual at the same time. Americans wear more tight clothes, Uggs, and Northface.
3. Peter the Great came to Brussels and threw up after a night of Belgian beer, and the Belgians built a monument where he threw up.
4. Seriously, waffle stands are everywhere.5. They charge for plastic bags at the grocery stores. I love it! It forces people to be environmentally conscious.
6. Their metro system is almost completely on an honor system--a lot of the times the gates are open, so you don't haaave to swipe your card so you could technically just go in without paying, but everyone does anyway.
7. Gum is really expensive here because no one chews it.
8. People are really okay with B.O. It's a little scary how often I get whiffs of nasty from the people around me at the metro.
9. There's a bar here with 2000 different beers. It's next to the tequila bar that has 200 different types of tequila. What the hekk
10. Belgians specialize in kriek, a cherry beer. It's really good! My dad (host) gave me a bottle at dinner.
11. Dutch channels usually have programs in English and subtitles in Dutch.

1 comment:

    just saying

